
Have you ever found yourself in a dilemma?  You find yourself faced with a problem and you are not quite sure, which is the right course of action to take? Want a quick and simple trick to help you find the answer you are looking for?

Many of my clients face problems and dilemmas, that we work through together to find a solution.  My job is to help them get past their own thinking and find the resources within themselves to move forward.

I truly believe we all have the resources we need within ourselves, it is just sometimes,  a lifetime of conditioning and listening to outdated limiting beliefs that can place us in a box.  With no idea how to escape… and that is where my job as Coach starts, I bring the magic.

I help you explore all sides of the box, take a look outside and inside, and see potential escape routes including different ways of doing things.

Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results”.

As a coach, I encourage you to do things differently, to get rid of those unhelpful limiting beliefs and the lifetime of conditioning, and help you move to a brighter, more focused future.


how to solve a dilemma litabix coaching blog post

I often use this coaching hack with my clients when they have a minor dilemma with a problem in their lives.  It fascinates me how, when using this hack you can get three answers and more often than not clarity, to make the next move.

Scientific studies have shown that within our bodies we have neurological pathways that travel through our nervous system sending electrical pulses (messages) continuously through us and there are arguments that neurons not only sit in our brains but also within our hearts and stomachs (gut).  Research is continually learning more and more about the mind body connection.

Heart Brain?

Heart Math.org says “Traditionally, the study of communication pathways between the head and heart has been approached from a rather one-sided perspective, with scientists focusing primarily on the heart’s responses to the brain’s commands. We have learned, however, that communication between the heart and brain actually is a dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue, with each organ continuously influencing the other’s function. Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain’s activity. Moreover, our research shows that messages the heart sends to the brain also can affect performance.

Stomach Brain?

Our stomachs are proven to have over 100million brain cells in them (more than that of a cat) and our stomachs can directly affect our mood and appetite and often referred to as the little brain.  although it does little actual thinking, it does the daily grind of keeping us nourished, extracting nutrients and vitamins that we need.

And all those neurons lining our digestive system allow it to keep in close contact with the brain in your skull, via the vagus nerves, which often influence our emotional state.

For instance, when we experience “butterflies in the stomach”, this really is the brain in the stomach talking to the brain in your head. As we get nervous or fearful, blood gets diverted from our gut to our muscles and this is the stomach’s way of protesting.

All fascinating stuff and I would encourage you to read more if you are interested…….


How can we use this in a dilemma? Coaching Exercise –

Give this easy coaching exercise a go and see what happens. I have found this really helps my clients find the clarity they seek,

Step one

Think about your dilemma/problem and ask your head “What is the solution to this problem?” – give yourself some time to consider what pops up in your head, perhaps note any thoughts, pictures, or solutions that appear – reserve judgment for now.  Now think about what you had for breakfast yesterday morning, what colour was your coffee cup?

Step Two

Now think about your dilemma/problem again exactly the same as step one but his time ask your heart “What is the solution to this problem? – you may find placing your hands on your heart helps you to connect.  Once again give yourself time to note any feelings, thoughts or words that appear, or any solutions – reserve judgment.  Now think about the last journey you took, where did you go or what did you see, how did that feel?

Step Three

Think about your dilemma/problem once more, again exactly as you did in steps one and two, this time ask your gut “What is the solution to this problem? – Once again give it some time and notice what thoughts, solutions and answers pop up in your mind. Make a note and once again reserve judgment, when you feel you have them all.  Now think about the last shower or bath you took. How hot was it, What did the soap smell like, did you rush or take a leisurely pace?

Step Four

Now with all three answers safely considered, ask the question “Which answer is the right one for me?” You will know which is the right answer for you.  Make the decision and go for it.


Trusting Your Gut

I have asked my clients to use this exercise many times and more often our gut instinct is the one to trust and follow with.  We can often get caught up in logic from our conscious mind and ignore the gut…how many times have you reprimanded yourself for not following your gut instinct, I know I have.  We are wiser than we believe and we forget to listen to our own knowledge and deep wisdom.

Our head will often follow logic, our hearts answer with emotion and our gut instinct is normally right!

Give it a go and see what happens, you have nothing to lose by trying, in fact, you may be surprised what you learn about yourself!

Let me know how you get on and which answer worked out best for you.

How to solve a dilemma 3 brains colita dainton litabix

Colita Dainton The Success Coach at Litabix.com. Helping people think differently about their problems. If you are interested in working with me, use the contact form or book a free 30-minute discovery call,it would be great to hear from you.

Success is always the order of the day!